Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

DQ4 _American

DQ4 _American

Q How did different ethnic and cultural groups interact with each other in the Far West in the first half of the 1800s? How did interethnic dynamics change with the arrival en masse of Anglos to the region from the mid-1800s onward? What factors made the railroad so central to the second half of the 1800s and how did it affect the groups already living in the region?

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The 19th century was dominated by the western expansion and exploration that defined the relation between various ethnic groups and cultures but the most important was with the Native Americans. It all started with the Louisiana Purchase and appointing Lewis and Clark for exploring land west to Louisiana Purchase so that friendly relations can be established with the Native Americans for smooth trade. Also, when fur trading was popular, there was a good relationship between the European Americans and the Native Americans